Searching the general ledger

  • On the navigation bar, select the Accounting tab and General Ledger menu.
  • At the General Ledger main page, you can search journal entries from specific account(s), search with keywords or using the filter.

    With the filter, you can search journal entries:
    - from specific account(s)
    - with keywords
    - within a date range
    - to include drafted entries
    - with with attachment or no attachment
    - different currency ledger
    - within an amount range

Exporting the general ledger

  • On the navigation bar, select the Accounting tab and General Ledger menu.
  • By default, only posted entries are shown. You can include draft entries in the filter under the Status dropdown.
  • Click export and the CSV file will be downloaded automatically.
How to open a CSV file in Excel so that you don’t lose the TEXT formatting
  • Open Excel
  • Click New, then click on Blank workbook
  • Click on the Data tab
  • Click Get External Data From Text
  • Navigate to the CSV-formatted file saved on your system, select it, then click Import (When browsing to find the file, set browser to look for All Files or for Text Files)
  • This will open the Text Import Wizard
  • In Import Step 1 of 3 – Click on Delimited, then click Next
  • In Import Step 2 of 3 – Check the Comma box, then click Next
  • In Import Step 3 of 3 – Select Text and click Finish, then OK

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