Exporting QBO files

Account List

  • Login into your QuickBooks Account.
  • Under the Reports tab, select Account List.
  • Export the Account List Report to Excel.
  • Go to Manage my companies top right corner.
  • Open the report and save it as a CSV.
  • This will become your CSV import file for Accounts File.

Customer List

  • Login into your QuickBooks Account.
  • Under the Reports tab, select Contact List.
  • Select the COG wheel to access more fields and select the following values:
    -Billing Address
    -Last Name
    -First Name
  • Export the Customer List Report to Excel.
  • Open the report and save it as a CSV.
  • This will become your CSV import file for Customer File.

Vendor List

  • Login into your QuickBooks Account.
  • Under the Reports tab, select Vendor List.
  • Export the Account List Report to Excel.
  • Select the COG wheel to access more field and select the following values:
    -Company Name
    -Last Name
    -First Name
  • Export the Vendor List Report to Excel.
  • Open the report and save it as a CSV.

Employee List

  • Login into your QuickBooks Account.
  • Under the Reports tab, select Employee List.
  • Export the Employee List Report to Excel.
  • Open the report and save it as a CSV.
  • This will become your CSV import file for Employee File.

Converting QBO account files

  • Access the Conversion Tool at https://tools.runeleven.io
  • Select Convert Account Files.
  • Select Quickbooks Online for the File Origin.
  • It is optional to input the company name. If the company name is given, it will be included in the name of the exported files.
  • Click Next.
  • Upload the files accordingly to the upload boxes.
  • Click Next.
  • Wait for the files to be converted. Once the files are ready for download, click on Download File.
  • The downloaded files will be needed for the conversion of the transaction file.

Exporting QBO Journal files

Single Currency

  • Login into your QuickBooks Account.
  • Under the Reports tab, select Journal under For My Accountant.
  • Select for the Report Period : All Dates
  • Select the COG wheel to access more field and select the following values:
    -Transaction Type
    -Due Date
    -Memo Description
  • Open the report and save it as a CSV.
  • This will become your CSV import file for Journal Entry File. Transaction file.

Multi Currency

  • Login into your QuickBooks Account.
  • Under the Reports tab, select Journal under For My Accountant.
  • Select for the Report Period : All Dates
  • Select the COG wheel to access more field and select the following values:
    -Exchange Rate
    -Foreign Debit
    -Transaction Type
    -Foreign Credit
    -Due Date
    -Memo Description
  • Open the report and save it as a CSV.
  • This will become your CSV import file for Journal Entry File.

Converting QBO Journal files

  • Access the Conversion Tool at https://tools.runeleven.io
  • Select Convert Transaction File.
  • Select Quickbooks Online for the File Origin.
  • Select the Date Format according to the date format of the QuickBooks export.
  • Select the Single or Multi Currency according to the QuickBooks export.
  • Select  the Functional Currency (Base Currency) of the company that is being migrated to Eleven.
  • It is optional to input the company name. If the company name is given, it will be included in the
  • Click Next.
  • Upload the Account and Contact files that have been converted to Eleven’s template. Click here to learn how.
  • Click Next.
  • Upload the exported transaction file.
  • Click Convert.
  • Wait for the files to be converted. Once the files are ready for download, click on Download File.
  • The downloaded file can now be imported into Eleven’s accounting app.

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