Finishing client company setup

Once added to the system as an Admin or an Accountant, you can finish client companies' set-up. If critical information is missing, Eleven will inform you with a notification at the bottom right.

  • Go to Manage my companies top right corner.
  • In the company list view, company that has not been fully setup, will have a button Complete my setup. Click on that button.
  • Complete the missing information (tax code if applicable, company type, base currency) and save the form.

Creating the first Fiscal Year

  • In the company list view, company that has no fiscal year defined, will have a button Set a fiscal year. Press that button.
  • Click on the New Fiscal Year button in the Fiscal Year list view. *Note: If you want to import past fiscal year data in Eleven, you will need to create your first fiscal year from the date you want to start using Eleven.
  • Complete the missing information and save the form.

Fiscal Year has no minimum and maximum duration limits. We will notify you when the fiscal year duration is below 6 months and over 18 months.

Defining currencies

  • On the navigation bar, select the Settings tab and the Currencies menu.
  • Select a  сurrency.
  • Fill all the default account details for the reporting of the realised and unrealised currency gain/loss. *Note : If you do not see any account it is because those default account currencies need to be set to the base currency of the company.
  • Save the information.

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